Weight Loss Is Not Looks and Vanity: we have to know these two critical numbers that this blog will explain and discuss.
Everyone has fat. Some people defend the status quo of maintaining their bigger statues, saying that they might consider losing weight "later in the month, in the year, or someday.” Since weight loss requires self-discipline and important life style changes, with inconveniences and limitations, such postponing often leads to years of carrying extra weight, along with damage it causes to one's body. Some people say "it does not bother them”, some say that it does, admitting feeling stuck in the rut and not knowing how to proceed.
Many people with excessive weight suffer from back pain, painful knees, and other joint and muscular aches. It is as if the body is trying to tell that the heavy strain of excessive weight becomes unbearable for one’s delicate skeleton. Having too much fat, particularly visceral fat, which sits deep below the belly area, can raise one’s risk for heart disease, lead to elevated blood pressure, diabetes, and increase risk of certain cancers.
First step in a journey of weight loss is your decision to get healthy and finally getting to know the bottom-line: how much is too much and where do you stand? Perhaps you were dreading knowing some of these numbers, but it is time to do so. These numbers are not about vanity, but they are important reflections of your state of health.
Waist Circumference: Wrap a tape measure around your body, leveling it with your belly button. Now take breath and exhale. See the number on the tape measure: below 35 inches is ideal for women. Anything more than that is associated with increase in health problems.
BMI (Body Mass Index) is another objective screening tool to estimate if a person is overweight, carrying too much body fat that presents a risk to their health. BMI=your weight in pounds / (your height in inches x your hight in inches) x 703. Alternatively, use an only BMI calculator. A healthy BMI is 18.5 (low end of underweight) to 25 (high end of “normal”). BMI of 30 and over signifies obesity, and thus, an urgent need to take a pledge of a diligent stewardship to your body and spirit, helping it to shed excess of weight that will lead to chronic decease. Moving into a “healthy” BMI range, will help to reduce your risk of chronic decease, including type-2 diabetes, coronary artery decease, stoke, gallbladder, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, chronic inflammation and depression.
Good job facing the facts, finding out these important digits. Write them down. If you "did not like" your numbers, it is time to do something about it. Commit to start getting healthy in the next 6 months, by starting this week.
What can you do to lower your BMI and to slim your waist? You can’t "spot-reduce" fat. Meaning, no diets or exercise programs can precisely target fat tissue in specific body parts. You have to lose weight from all over the body, by burning more calories than you take in daily and by increasing your level of exercise. Make a decision to get healthier. Step on a scale today and write down your number. Weight yourself weekly, while starting to observe your daily eating patterns and making better choices. One of simple rules of dieting: “Cut all white.” it includes sugars and sweets, white breads, potatoes, rice and other simple starches, as well as milk products, which are full of lactose, which essentially is a form of sugar. Get yourself a pedometer and commit to walk at least 7,000 steps every day. See a dietician to help you decide on a healthy and reasonable diet plan. Finally, see a counselor to increase your motivation, the help you follow through your journey towards better wellness.